If you're going to screw me, at least buy me dinner first.
My workplace is in transition. Note, I say "my workplace," and not my company. Since last April, I've been a subcontractor. It has something to do with hiring practices, something to do with too much bureaucracy, and something to do with a very ugly business transition. To wit, my workplace is part of Company A. They had entered into a ten-year contract with Company B to do their IT. Company B brought me on board as a subcontractor (meaning I work for Company C) to help with a particular project, and they liked me so much that they decided to keep me on a growth position.
After five years, Company A filed for termination of contract with Company B, and decided to bring in Company D to do their IT, instead. In legal terms, this is called a transition of services. In common parlance, it's a clusterfuck. About ten days before I would have been a hired on permanently by Company B, all subcontractor conversions were put on hold, and for the next two months, we didn't even know who Company D would be. (We suspect Company A didn't, either). Following that was an uncertain period where we didn't know if our jobs were being whored out to Company D or brought back in-house to Company A. A couple weeks ago, we found out that almost everybody is going back to Company A except for us. We are going to Company D, apparently as a gift for some other things that Company D is doing.
Today, I got to work and found out that Company D had posted all our jobs on the Internet. Over a week ago. And not told us.
We knew we were getting fucked--we didn't know they were going to try and slip us a roofie.
The last time I worked for someplace bound and determined to work me over this bad, it left me with an anxiety condition that I will probably have until the day I die. If there were any other job opportunities, I would go elsewhere. But I live in a fairly small metropolitan area, and the economy sucks right now. RH and I have been trying to buy a house for the last six months, and I can't be without a job and have that go through, let alone make the mortgage. I just don't have a whole lot of choice except to bend over and take it.
But that doesn't mean I can't call it like I see it.
After five years, Company A filed for termination of contract with Company B, and decided to bring in Company D to do their IT, instead. In legal terms, this is called a transition of services. In common parlance, it's a clusterfuck. About ten days before I would have been a hired on permanently by Company B, all subcontractor conversions were put on hold, and for the next two months, we didn't even know who Company D would be. (We suspect Company A didn't, either). Following that was an uncertain period where we didn't know if our jobs were being whored out to Company D or brought back in-house to Company A. A couple weeks ago, we found out that almost everybody is going back to Company A except for us. We are going to Company D, apparently as a gift for some other things that Company D is doing.
Today, I got to work and found out that Company D had posted all our jobs on the Internet. Over a week ago. And not told us.
We knew we were getting fucked--we didn't know they were going to try and slip us a roofie.
The last time I worked for someplace bound and determined to work me over this bad, it left me with an anxiety condition that I will probably have until the day I die. If there were any other job opportunities, I would go elsewhere. But I live in a fairly small metropolitan area, and the economy sucks right now. RH and I have been trying to buy a house for the last six months, and I can't be without a job and have that go through, let alone make the mortgage. I just don't have a whole lot of choice except to bend over and take it.
But that doesn't mean I can't call it like I see it.