My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Playing Catch-Up

I'm healthy again. That's a start.

The high school reunion is this weekend. I'm going up to my mommy's house to do laundry Saturday afternoon, and she'll help me with the hot rollers, assuming I can still borrow them. And at the very least, I'll get pictures of me all dolled up. I'm hoping to borrow my dad's camera for that night of the reunion, too, but we'll see. Enough people hounded me for pictures of the dress and shoes and what not that I figured I'd better make arrangements. :)

I've really got to budget for a digital camera sometime in the next few months. I keep wanting to take pictures of sunsets and flooding and things and share them. Plus, I could do things like take pictures when we go to Rocky. I was very pleased with what I wore last Saturday, but Kendra was the star of the show, as she wore the Amazing Red Vinyl Dress. I swear, this dress has attained a legendary status of its own and will go down in history for causing traffic accidents. And she's drop-dead gorgeous in red.

Yes, there's been flooding. No, I haven't washed away. It's just a condition of Tucson during a good monsoon season. You learn to note the places usually-dry washes cross roads and parking lots and avoid those routes, because they end up with several feet of water flowing through them. The 6th Avenue underpass filled to within about eighteen inches of the bridge over its top on Sunday. One of the local news stations got some very impressive footage.

My apartment is on top of a hill. I'm not worried. I know the routes to my parents' house that have bridges. Though now they'll be moving, and I'll have to learn all-new routes. But there are fewer un-bridged washes downtown, where they're going. The bigger danger is that some of the old streets double as drainage ditches.

I have got to get a camera. :)


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