My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Quote of the Week

"Los Angeles would be a nice place to live if about 1/2 the people moved someplace else."

--JJ, of Justinland

What did I do? Who did I piss off?

So, I'm already wrecked because of the tux issue and the $1600 bill, not to mention little things like whiplash and a wedding. I went out out to mail some thank you notes and fill a prescription, and stopped at a Circle K along the way to crash in my little $4 Powerball winner that came out of an idle whim during the last bug big jackpot. I pulled around to the last available parking space, and the truck in the one next to it began packing out. Into me.

Maybe I can blame the stress, or the last accident. But my brain, which usually acts defensively, just could not seem to make the mental gears mesh. It was less like panic than disbelief. Suddenly, I was in a dream sequence, where I either couldn't remember how to put the car in reverse or knew that I'd never do it in time, or both. I had one hand frantically looking for the shifter and the other on the horn, and the guy just kept coming. I don't know what was in his way when he looked over his shoulder before pulling out, but I know that, by the time I laid on the horn, he couldn't see me. Big, big truck on a slight slope with its ass up in the air. I simply was not in the rearview, and he couldn't seem to figure out that that horn might apply to him. I could see him coming, I knew he was about to go into half my car on the front passenger side, and I couldn't do a damn thing.

Either he finally got it or I got very lucky--he stopped about eight inches from my car. I managed to find the gear shift at this point and backed up, and let him pull out, and pulled into a space. I was physically shaking all over. This was an hour ago. I'm still shaking.

What have I done to my karma? I think I need to go looking for an answer. And oh, by the way, the vendor for the alcohol for the wedding can't find her ass with both hands and a road map. And my birth control, which is specialized due to my incidence of hefty side-effects with the generic stuff, is a tier 3 script under my new insurance (it was tier 2 under the old plan). $50 a month. I'd say "fuck me," except that children are even more expensive.

Friday, May 09, 2008

And one more amusing thing . . .

Wikipedia and the DOJ mix it up.


So, the grandson of the lady across the hall from me has the measles. Everyone in her family has had a booster. kenilyn found out there were no subs available at the high school where she was observing a class, because they were all at an elementary school in the district where teachers were coming down with the measles. The teachers, mind you, are old enough to pre-date this wave of people freaking out about vaccinating their kids.

And here's the latest surprising information on immunizations. If booster isn't specified, we tend to assume our immunities are for life, but upon what do we base this information? And what happens when the studies have new results, and the insurance companies still don't want to pay for the booster?

Abbott & Costello/Shakespeare cross-over

Yay, more things to make me smile.

the short version

One of the groomsmen still hasn't been measured for his tux. It's now a rush order and it has to be done no later than 3PM Tuesday, AZ time. And I just got a bill from a doctor's office. Apparently, my ex-health insurance has decided they don't want to pay for a test that was done most of a year ago. To the tune of $1600. I can't call the doctor's company till Monday.

I can't reach two of the people I'd usually cry on and the third is tied up with family stuff. I know weddings often induce nervous breakdowns in the bride, but I was honestly handling things okay until I saw the bill for the test. I don't have that kind of money. If I knew a week ago, I wouldn't have scheduled RH and me to go to the family reunion, but it's a little late for that now. So here I am, with no way to distract myself, staving off a panic attack by sheer force of will.

A toy.

I like this. Just now, I needed to know that I could create something not-ugly.

virutal kaleidoscope