My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Quote of the Week

"I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them.? So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the Universe."

--Marcus Cole, in Babylon 5

Been sick.

Yeah, that's my excuse. All of it. I've spent almost a month fighting off a head cold that turned into a bloody hard-to-kill sinus infection. I'm still not all the way well, but I'm starting to feel like I might be. Someday.

RH is still job-hunting. The economy sucks--go figure. I'm job-hunting again, but given the economy, I'm not hoping for much.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

I had no idea.

I didn't know this was even under consideration. Apparently, there's a suggestion of using cloned animals as part of the meat-and-milk industry in the US. While I understand cloning well enough to know that the health risks at that remove are few or none, I just can't help feeling that, with all the possible applications for this technology, this is way down on the list of what we ought to be doing with it.

I'm actually far more concerned by the fact that cloning is a suggestion for keeping good breeding stock and improving breeds. Genetic diversity, anyone? Hello?