My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Incredible Shrinking Woman

I started on a weight-loss endeavor toward the end of March. Actually, I started it some years ago, when I decided that the knee I'd injured would be much happier if I spent the rest of my life as a size twelve (any thinner than that and I start to look unhealthy). But I had some weird ups and downs--mostly ups--in the last couple months before my gall bladder was removed, and got up to a weight I truly despised.

Sadly, I can blame the current (and, so far, successful) endeavor on Louis XIV. They're one of my current favorite bands. On reviewer described them as "making music that impresses men and seduces women," and damn, am I seduced. Of course, I'm kinky, so lines like "tie me up and make me crawl to you," "tease you with a knife until you're screaming for your life," and "pretend I'm gagged and bound" kind of push my buttons, too. But it's genuinely good music--the first fun music I've heard on the radio in years.

Which doesn't change the fact that I think the front man, Jason Hill, is hotter than hell. I had tickets for their show when they came through town in March, and I decided if I was going to a club show, I damn well ought to dress like it was a club. This required buying a new skirt. The skirt was a size I'd never been before in my life. It was also a size that pretty well rules out even fantasizing about being bent over a table by the guy in the painted-on pants with the dead-sexy voice.

I decided I needed somebody to nag me, so I joined Jenny Craig. So far, the nagging has done what my own well-meaning efforts hadn't--got me to quit whining and just do what needed to be done. Initial weigh-in: 224 lbs. Last Thursday: 197 lbs. Each week, I'm required to write down a motivation for that week. I think I disturb my nag. So far my motivations have been not just things like a size I want to be by a certain date, but "high heels" and "Jason Hill's pants."

It's good to have goals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everytime I think of the word "diet" my body says WHAT?? no your not. And I become terribly hungry for everything. So I try to think of it as a lifestyle eating habit. Now if I can just get into the grove of actually doing it instead of just talking it :) But it sounds like your on the right track and good for you for loosing some.
Hope your Monday went better then ours did. See you later Little One

As always, Simply the Turtle

3:29 PM  

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