My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Monday, September 19, 2005

At the bottom of Fortuna's Wheel of IT Fortune

No, I'm not dead. Just exhausted.

Had a whole weekend off this week for the first time in a few weeks. Unfortunately, now I'm right back in the thick of things. We have a suite of Finance programs that we don't understand because they're highly customize and we quite literally inherited them. That blew up in my face today. I think I have missing data on the system I'm migrating, and after spending about seven hours trying to recover the licenses off that box, somehow, I finally had to declare the thing a paperweight.

Long weeks of too many hours. But there are bright spots. Amy was in town this weekend. It was fun to hang out with her and Kendra--we haven't done that in too long. And I met her friend Anna, who moved to Tucson to go to college.

Amy read cards for me and called the reading, "fluffy." Which is nice. I don't have anything dark and tragic in my life right now. She thinks I've found a good boy. I told him she could come to roller derby next weekend and meet him.

We had a visitor last night. A spider about three inches across from toe-tip to toe-tip. On the ceiling, where I couldn't swat him. Too big to be poisonous, but not a tarantula or a wolf spider, so I was at a loss. The cats chased him into the sofa, somewhere. (My roommate is avoiding it. Come to think of it, so am I). Brent thinks it might be a wind scorpion, which isn't actually a scorpion. It's a spider with pincers, but it doesn't bite and it's non-poisonous. Just 'fucking creepy.' Brent has now decided we will call this the 'FC' factor. I don't expect it will die here. The joke, I mean, not the spider.

My father invited Pete over for Thanksgiving. Keep in mind, they haven't met, yet. Pete, in turn, invited me with him when he goes home next month for his father's 50th birthday celebration. Kendra thinks if we can survive 14 hours in a car together each way, we're probably on the right track. I am amused.

But mostly, I am tired.


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