My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Ye frickin' gods, 12-hour shifts suck.

8AM-8PM. No lunch. On the plus side, that's not only the current project, that also includes crisis time. I got in this morning and someone asked me if "they'd told me about the computer, yet." Copy room computer wouldn't boot. Catastrophic hard drive failure. So I had to do a rebuild from scratch on one of our machines with more customization than most, in addition to the imaging project.

Something's got the coyotes outside my house all stirred up. I wonder what.

I scanned all my notes from a Rites of Spring workshop on Monday. A couple people were interested enough that it was worth going to the trouble. Of course, since they have to get posted in my other journal, there is the question of photo-hosting. I may post bits and pieces of the scans here, if I can keep the bandwidth down, and then link. I think the site will allow remote loading, anyway. So if pieces of my notebook start showing up with no real explanations, that's what's going on.

I find my belt fascinating. I deliberately bought one with holes all the way up, so it would fit no matter what size I am. It's way too long at my natural waist--what they call a "high-rise" pant, now. A at a mid-rise waist, it fits nicely. At a low-rise (what's really popular right now), I can only fasten it on the outside hole or two. The hazards of having an hourglass figure.

This week's weigh-in: 179 lbs. I saw some members of my dad's band (the rock band, not the bluegrass band) at my parents' Labor Day barbecue. A couple of them were quite vocal about how much weight I've lost and how good I look. They hadn't seen me since December. It felt nice.

In other news, my company's 25th anniversary party has been canceled so that the funds set aside for the celebration can be donated to relief for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Sadly, I'm so tired that the first thing that popped into my head was that was good--I'd accidentally double-booked myself for that and my sister's roller derby bout.


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