Hey, RH, what's worse than the guy in the ten-year-old Honda going around on the right to "cut the line" where traffic merges?
The guy in the semi doing the same thing.
I confess, there are no orange cones a mile off warning that the lane ends. This is a "it always ends here," and it's one you can see from several hilltops quite a distance before you get there. Mind, it's not always possible for a semi to merge neatly, but I kept waiting for him to put on his blinker and he never did. I'd have been happy to make a space and let him over.
I don't know what the driver was thinking. But I know this URL was on the back of the truck.
The guy in the semi doing the same thing.
I confess, there are no orange cones a mile off warning that the lane ends. This is a "it always ends here," and it's one you can see from several hilltops quite a distance before you get there. Mind, it's not always possible for a semi to merge neatly, but I kept waiting for him to put on his blinker and he never did. I'd have been happy to make a space and let him over.
I don't know what the driver was thinking. But I know this URL was on the back of the truck.
Now you just have to think of a creative way to tell the company their truckers have less in the way of driving skills than an untrained, crack-addled chimpanzee.
And at least with the Honda, I can tell the driver to "fuck off and die" with one simple gesture which he can easily see. It's a little harder to do that with a semi.
I confess, I did look for a truck number or something I could report to them. Alas, nothing, and I was too far back in the queue to read a license plate.
At least they didn't have one of those "How's my driving?" numbers on the back. Then it'd feel like hipocracy, not just jackassery.
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