My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My job sucks, part II

We've just been advised we need to expand our coverage hours by 28 hours a week. We=the four of us who do general tech support. The other tech gave notice in response. He was told not to bother coming in on Monday. I told my boss I can do some things in the short-term that I can't do in the long-term: my husband isn't employed right now, but when he is, it will be banker's hours--that's just how his industry works. We think we're not starting right now, since we're not short a team member again. We hope.

My direct boss is taking two days' PTO. I can connect to our VPN right now, but I can't remote into anything, so I know some piece of our infrastructure is down. But I don't have a building code, so I can't do anything about it until tomorrow morning. So it's going to be my problem first thing in the AM, unless the CIO beats me in. And if I were my boss (who is taking the PTO because he can't afford not to take it--he's way over-worked and over-stressed), I'd be looking at a better opportunity. Heck, maybe he is. It's not like he could say if he were.

I knew this was not a good long-term placement, but I've been just kind of coasting along while we wait to find out about RH's job. No more coasting now. Of course, I checked the want ads this week and they're abysmal. Fortunately, RH is waiting to hear back from both Oregon and Nebraska about positions next week. Keep your fingers crossed for us.


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