My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

For Crystal

1. If you could build a second house anywhere where would it be?
Durango, CO. But maybe I should worry about the first house, first.

2. What's your favorite article of clothing?
My corset.

3. The last cd you bought?
The Best Little Secrets Are Kept, by Louis XIV.

4. What's your favorite kitchen appliance?
The microwave. I'd starve without it.

5. If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
Oh my word, how could I possibly choose? We dabble with instruments in my family. Some of us play them well enough to say so, but all I play is my voice. But I love them all. I guess guitar or piano, because they're verstitile. Or maybe djembe, for all the times I wish I could really drum.

6. Favorite color(s)?
Green, brown, purple, bronze.

7. Which do you prefer, sports car or suv?
Small cars. Given the choice, sports car, just because the center of gravity's lower. But really, I love my PT Cruiser.

8. Do you believe in the afterlife?
After a fashion. Mostly, I believe in that great recycling plant in the sky. But there's something after the fashion of a bardo, a debriefing and resting place inbetween.

9. Favorite children's book?
Rikki Tikki Tavi

10. Your favorite season?
Used to be spring, but now I'm kind of torn between spring and autumn.

11. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Teleportation. Then I could visit my friends whenever I wanted.

12. If you could have a tattoo, what would it be?
Coyote, Fox, and Raven overlapped on my left shoulder.

13. Can you juggle?
No, though my sister once tried to teach me. I imagine it's like riding a bicycle--if I spent enough time at it, one day it'd just click into place.

14. Name one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to?
Her name was Sasha. We had a lit class together. I always felt like I should get to know her, and somehow, I never did.

15. What's your favorite day?
Any day that doesn't begin with my alarm clock.

16. What's in the trunk or back of your car?
My front license plate mounting kit. My lug wrench. Usually a couple boxes to help my parents move, and a couple boxes of aluminum cans for recycling.

17. Which do you prefer sushi or burger?
Burger, well done. Too much microbiology.

18. From the people you will e-mail this to, who's most likely to respond first?
Not sending it as an e-mail. It may show up in somebody's journal. If anybody's, I'm betting it will be Kit or Samantha.

19. Who's least likely to respond?
Pretty much anybody else.

20. Who did you receive this from?

21. What is your favorite meal?
Stuffed scrod.

22. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

23. The last dvd you bought?
The Clone Wars, part I - the first 20 filler cartoons between Star Wars eposides II and III. We were having a Star Wars party. It seemed appropriate.

24. Gardening or housework?

25. Comedy or drama?
Depends on my mood. Usually drama, but I'm more a fan of the action-flavored variety.

26. Gold or silver?

27. Diamonds or pearls?

28. Flannel, silk or cotton?
For sheets, cotton. To wear, silk.

29. If you and your spouse were gambling and you hit big, would you split it with your spouse?
I'm single. Ask me when I have a spouse. I'd assume split it.

30. Favorite seafood?
Ooo, I'm torn between shrimp and scrod. Scrod is a whitefish that I've only ever had on the east coast. You can't get it where I am, now, and it beats cod (which is what we usually get out here) hands down.

31. Favorite reality tv show?
Trading Spaces. At least I can tell there's some actual reality in it.

32. Mornings or evenings?
Evenings. I prefer to sleep through mornings.

33. The best year of your old were you?
Twenty-eight. It just keeps getting better.

34. Favorite catalog?
I have no idea anymore. I guess I like What On Earth and Think Geek. I like T-Shirt Hell, too, but I'm not sure I'll ever buy anything from there.

35. Favorite magazine?

36. Decorating style?
Classical, though Santa Fe-style also has a nice niche in my heart.

37. Favorite cookie?
Do brownies count?

38. Sandals or shoes?
3" heels.

39. Elvis or the Beatles?

40. Most attracted to?
Men with sexy voices.

41. Red or white wine?
Port is the only type of wine I even drink. And it might be considered a cordial; I'm not sure.

42. Would you have cosmetic surgery?
Can't imagine why.

43. Favorite work out machinery?
A really good dance pad.

44. How many times a week do you eat out?
Maybe once. I'm poor and trying to practice good eating habits.

45. Favorite fast food?
I'm really not into fast food. Boston Market, I guess. Though I have a serious weakness for McDonald's sausage egg and cheese breakfast biscuits. And Norton's breakfast burritos. Lucky for me I don't have easy access to food on my way to work anymore.

46. Scrambled or over easy...sausage or bacon?
Over-easy and bacon. Cholesterol, here I come.

47. David letterman or jay leno?
Neither, just not into it.

48. Favorite christmas carol?
"I Wonder as I Wander."

49. Giving or receiving?
Giving. Unless we're talking BDSM.

50. Real christmas tree or fake tree?

51. Favorite tv show/sitcom?
I don't watch any regularly since Farscape went off the air. The Wire on HBO, I guess, though I'm about a season behind.

52. Favorite soap opera?
I so don't do soaps.

53. Favorite toy from your childhood?
I don't remember having a favorite toy. I read a lot of books.


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