My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


My first workmen's comp claim ever. Of all the bizarre things, I was bitten by the dog at one of the group homes.

Looking back, here's what happened. The dog is a Dalmatian, and having had one of my own, I know they're very protective about their people. There were no staff there, but the Supervisor presumably let the residents know I was coming with the new computer. The resident answered the door, but did not step away from it to let me in. I started to go around her . . . and I think the dog cued on her body language and decided I should not come in.

So he bit me on the knee. Why is it always the knee? When Fil's vicious little brute put a toothmark in me, it was the knee then, too. I think they're aiming for the weak points--that's how you'd take down a larger animal. Bit clean through my jeans (boy am I glad I wasn't wearing shorts today). No blood, but abrasions and pretty massive bruises.

So . . . I got to spend the rest of my day running around to the clinic and then searching for arnica for the bruising. Which, mind you, I had to go to the local natural food store (which I despise) to get. I guess it's not mainstream enough to be in the pharmacies I tried, first. But it worked when we dropped a log on my leg and the chiropractor recommends it, so it was worth doing.

The fact that my primary reaction to this business was to be pissed that I wouldn't have four more hours to work in is probably indicative of something. Like the need for a vacation. I suspect I'll have to work Saturday before I leave for roller derby to make up for it. But I knew better than to go back when I was done at the clinic--it was very clear to me that my boss had kicked me out of the office for the day when he sent me off to get the knee looked it.

Fortunately, since this was a group home, I know the dog will be current on its vaccinations. They couldn't possibly have it around the residents if it weren't. Also fortunately, I have no particular fear of dogs. But I will no longer be in this home without staff present. Period.

Needless to say, elevating the knee leaves me typing at quite an odd angle. I wish I had a camera.


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