My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

In Concert

Pete and I saw the Eagles in concert this Friday.


I like the Eagles, but some of their songs are just a little too country for me. So I wasn't quite sure what to expect. On the other hand . . . you don't miss the Eagles playing live. It's just one of those shows you have to see. (This was reiterated by my boss when he told me that I was not working Friday, even if our shipment did come in that day. Because some shows, you just don't miss, and if I'd worked Friday, I wouldn't feel at all like driving directly to Phoenix for a 7:30 show).

They are phenomenal. They kept hitting chords so perfect I was shivering. (Pete offered me his overshirt. I had to, somewhat embarrassedly, explain that I wasn't cold--I have a sensual reaction to really good music). While I don't hold with the theory that analog music is superior to digital, there is a truth to the fact that when recordings are mixed, tracks are mixed down for purity. And while the result may be very sweet, it just isn't as full and rich as an exquisitely-balanced live performance can be. Not to mention there's something amazing about thousands of people singing along, under the sound from the speakers.

(As the whole arena whispers "1969", a ghost-like echo underneath the vocal in "Hotel California").

I had the realization at more than one point during the concert that "this just might be the best guitar I will ever hear." I have some very favorite guitarists who I love to listen to, but if they're lucky . . . in thirty years, yeah, they may reach this level. Maybe. Joe Walsh in particular just amazed me.

They performed both old tracks and new, and they did a number of songs that the various members had done in their solo careers as well. I noticed that, group or solo, for some reason I am slightly more partial to the songs where Don Henley has the lead. They did a version of Hotel California that incorporated mariachi brass. I had heard this before, on a concert recording my parents had seen on television and saved for me, and not been terribly impressed. But, while my heart will always belong to the acoustic version that begins with a run of almost flamenco guitar, the brass was really amazing in person.

The crowd brought them back out for three encores.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live shows rock! It really helps that there's 50 gazillion watts of sound. I've had to play too many Eagles Covers in my time, but Joe Walsh is a guitar hero.


9:10 PM  

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