My front-runner, "Computer Housecalls," is taken. Twice. I'm not sure how that works--if the last one's expired, I might get away with it.
The current available leading contenders are:
Computer Fix-It
Will Geek for Food
The Doctor is In: Computer Repair
Computer Fix-It is simple, uninspiring, and toward the front of the alphabet (important for print listings). Will Geek for Food has the highest entertainment value, but is at the back end of the alphabet. The Doctor is In has a place near and dear to my heart, but it gets to be awfully long before you understand what kind of business I'm in.
My advertising plans are business cards, craigslist, maybe the local university's student newspaper, and maybe listing myself in an online directory or two (e.g. Yahoo! Yellowpages) if it doesn't cost much.