My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Question #5

What are your feelings on porn?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Porn? I don't care much for porn.. with the very rare exception.. I'm more of an erotica person myself. Give me the tasteful nudes, the intimate touches, and I enjoy it.

- Samantha

I've never really given it much thought, myself. I think it has a place in society, and I find nothing wrong with it. Haven't really watched any, myself.

- Mark

Visual porn doesn't do much for me, much to my wife's dismay. I'm really not into porn. I prefer the written form, myself.

- Kit

4:54 PM  
Blogger Journey said...

I find it interesting that people define porn in so many different ways.

I approve of porn on general principle, as a generally harmless outlet for sexual energy. At the same time, I find very little that I like, myself. I'm just frickin' picky. Written word is more likely to interest me than any kind of a visual. Mostly, it seems like, I have to believe it and it has to be interesting. "Interesting" usually means that it caters to my particular kinks.

I don't care about all the naked body parts in the world. I want to believe the look on her face. I want to hear the helpless catch in his voice. I want to fall in lust with a sentence that compares "desperate" with "sated." I can be caught off-guard by something about the way the word "wanton" is used in that sentence, and suddenly find my eyes glued to the page.

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd have found this a bit earlier if it was on your LJ, hon.

As far as terminology goes, I don't consider there to be any real difference between "erotica" and "pornography" -- it's as qualitative as the difference between "kinky" and "deviant". I use "porn" as kind of a fond pet name, and "pr0n" in a humourous, self-deprecating way.

What I like best is written porn, because it puts you inside the head of the persons involved. Also, a lot of erotic writing is written as part of a story, so the reader can comfortably suspend their disbelief and then experience what the characters are doing. It has to be competently written, though -- ridiculous phrasing, or a writer who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about, is a turn-off.

For static visual porn, I tend to prefer drawings or paintings to photographs, as a rule. With a drawing, the artist's own erotic sensibilities show through better, and if the characters look unnaturally lovely, all the better. This isn't to say that photography can't be art, but a lot of pornographic photography has a boring "mass-produced" look about it.

As far as film goes, most live-action porn I'm lukewarm about. Again, a lot of it has a certain "mass-produced" feel that puts me off, and frankly most of the actors and actresses just aren't my type. I've been sampling some hentai and yaoi anime, but there I run into some other problems: a lot of hentai is cheaply animated and shows it, and Japanese society doesn't seem to have a very good understanding of rape*. On the upside, I find most of the character designs appealing, and film has the added bonus of "in-heat" noises.

*This isn't to say that rape can't play a part in erotic fantasies. But I get angry about storylines in which the supposed "hero" rapes someone, or in which a victim falls in love with her rapist, and these things are portrayed as being normal and/or acceptable.

9:35 PM  

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