My Surreality Check Bounced

"Why settle for a twig when you can climb the whole tree?"

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Location: Binghamton, NY, United States

Journey is a rogue English major gone guerilla tech. She is currently owned by two cats, several creditors, and a coyote that doesn't exist. See "web page" link for more details about the coyote.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Weird Housekeeping

"Since I currently keep house with a machette . . . "
--source unknown

When people used to ask my mother how she managed a career and children and still had time for her writing, she would tell them, "That's easy--I gave up housekeeping years ago." While this is not exactly true, we always went over the house with a fine tooth comb and scoured and scrubbed and put away before we ever had company over. Thus, my notion of housecleaning is to clean before a party.

We're having a party tonight. A cheese party. I spent close to two hours cleaning the carpets, yesterday. Vacuuming (my vacuum never looked inadequate until I had something to compare it with) and using a steamer/shampooer borrowed from my parents. kenilyn did most of the rest of the floor stuff (including a previous session of vacuuming) last weekend. We've done the bathroom and the kitchen by bits and pieces throughout the week. But after two hours cleaning the carpets . . . I feel like I've had my workout.

We will have cheesey movies. Also: fondu, four kinds of specialty cheeses and crackers, a cheeseball, mozerella sticks, and mini-cheesecakes. And pocky, because the cheese section in AJ's was right next to the sushi bar and a couple boxes kind of jumped into my cart. And someone is threatening to bring cheese enchiladas. And I am not informed that people are bringing their podlings and a smaller TV will be set up in kenilyn's bedroom so the sprouts can watch kids' movies while the rest of us are in the living room watching Planet of the Prehistoric Women or Santa Claus versus the Martians or something.

I think that Phil, the philodendren that ate New Jersey, is going to have to go live on the back porch during the party. That, or take over the top of the refridgerator. We could well have enough people that some of them spill into the kitchen, and his current location on our half-wall will seriously block the line of sight.

It's a jungle in there.


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