Watchmen. Oh. My gods.
This is a phenomenal movie. If you get it. If not, you're going to be very confused and wonder why it was 2 hours and 45 minutes long. So, rather than give you a review that might contain spoilers, I'm going to make recommendations regarding whether or not you should see it.
If you were a little old man or a little old lady at 16, whether or not you've since grown out of it, you will probably like this movie.
If you enjoy complex characters, you should see this movie.
If you want a high ratio of explosions to plot, this one isn't for you.
If you like black hats and white hats and riding off into the sunset with the girl, you're in the wrong place. From that point of view, this is kind of an
anti-comic book movie.
I think you have to be a little in love with pain to understand certain things. If you're one of those people who wouldn't really trust the sweet if there weren't also some bitter, I think you're safe. If bittersweet stories just depress you, you won't really get it.
Let me say, further, that it's visually amazing, the cinematography is stunning, and the music selection is exquisite. It's also very graphically bloody--not gratuitously so, but if that bugs you, look away from the screen. You'll know when.
(As a side note for those of you who've met my character Joel, Meta-Joel says that Rorshack didn't experience failure early enough or often enough to be comfortable with it. And he seems to think that's the primary difference between the two of them).