Our color printer took a dump this morning. Three different people asked me about it before I even had a chance to call tech support. The drum just died suddenly; we're dead in the water until the replacement arrives.
The makers of our foster care bed-tracking software showed up for a presentation today and evidently expected full connectivity on all foster care staff computers. I can't really blame them--they obviously had no idea that we have to jump through quite a number of hoops to set this up for each individual user.
The instructions my network administrator left for setting up new users were wholely inadequate, and in one place dead wrong. I had to figure it out and revise the instructions.
While I was figuring, my Phoenix tech suddenly needed an extra laptop. I don't have one, but told him I could hijack one and we'll just have to put off the user it was intended for for a few days until we have a replacement or can do a scratch build.
In the midst of this, the CFO needed to know how to send an e-mail requesting a receipt, and one of the support management types had her network connection (of which we've replaced every bit, hardware and software), blitz on her again.
When I called my Tucson tech at his off-site to see if he could run the purloined laptop up to the halfway point to meet with our Phoenix tech tomorrow morning, he reported he'd just electroducted himself "a little" with a faulty printer at his off-site. "A little" translates to: He got a spark strong enough that it killed the circuit the printer was plugged into; they had to use the breaker to get it back.
My tech, alas, does not have a circuit breaker. I got to drop everything and bully him into going into the workman's comp place. Sample of conversation:
Tech: "I'm fine, I'm just tired."
Me: "You don't sound fine, and you didn't sound like this this morning."
Tech: "No, I was tired this morning."
Me: "You didn't sound like this this morning and Human Resources doesn't care if you're fine. HR has no sense of humor about workman's comp. Go anyway."
I swear, it was like trying to convince someone who just fainted that there's something wrong with them, and they'll just have to take your word for it.
So now, I have no backup, for several hours or until the workman's comp place says he's fit to come back.
I just finished revising the instructions. I still don't know what to do about laptop transport. I have yet to even touch that thing that was my number one priority item as of yesterday. And I have voicemail and I haven't even been into it to see what else has broken, yet.
*twitch twitch*
I want some job I'm more inclined toward than the one I interviewed for yesterday to call me back. I really need not to be here anymore.